Fits are scary enough as it is. They can occur anywhere at any time and leave the patient in a terrible state, for there is not much he/she can do to stop it.
Though fits can’t be predicted, some simple practices can help out a person who suffers from them. It is important to be well aware of these practices if you live with someone who suffers from frequent fits as they may be the difference between life and death.
Before we go on further, it is important to learn more about seizures, fits, and other neural problems that occur in a patient. Check out more blogs by Dr.Shailesh Jain here and read up on essential practices to curb neurological problems.
Remain Calm
It is tough to see someone experience a fit and not act panicky, but that’s what you have to do. Remain calm and follow the procedures that you have learned.
Act With Ease
If a person is having a violent seizure, gently lay them down on a bed or a couch or even the floor if nothing is available and remove any sharp objects from the surroundings. Put a pillow or some soft padding under their head. Remove glasses if the person is wearing one and loosen the collar, tie, etc.
DON’T Try to Stop Their Movements
Don’t ever try to stop their jerky movements or give them CPR while they are experiencing a seizure. Let them fight it out and remain calm.
Check the Patient
Gently check the patient for a medical bracelet that may indicate whether they have previous neurological or medical problems. If they do happen to have a medical bracelet, read it properly and call an ambulance accordingly. Time the length of their seizure as well.
Call an Ambulance if the Seizure Lasts for More Than 5 Minutes
A seizure that lasts for more than 5 minutes is extremely dangerous and an ambulance must be called immediately.
DON’T Give Them Food
Don’t give the person food or water until you are sure they are under full control of their body and coordination. They might choke on the given food which will lead to even further complications.
DON’T Act Like They are a Mental Patient
Don’t make a person who has experienced a fit like a danger or threat. Remain there to calm yourself and the other person, and after their fit has ended, take them to a corner and calmly explain what just happened to them. Talk to them to make them feel better and have the person feel relaxed. Ask about his/her seizure history and whether they want to call a doctor or not.
Leave Only When the Person has Fully Recovered
It is essential to ensure that a person who has just experienced a fit has complete coordination of his/her body afterward. Stay with them until they are feeling alright and call an ambulance if they are not.
Dr. Shailesh Jain AIIMS Neurosurgeon(Former) and Arihant Neurospine Clinic
Dr. Shailesh Jain was the top neurosurgeon in Pitampura in AIIMS, Delhi. He has now shifted to practice in the Arihant Neurospine Clinic which is the best clinic for fits in Pitampura.
The Arihant Neurospine Clinic has had glowing reviews all across the board and has been praised for its professionalism by critics and patients alike. Book an appointment with the best doctor for fits in Pitampura, Dr. Shailesh Jain here!
Dr. Shailesh Jain specializes in fits among children and back pain among adults. He also consults in the Max Super Specialty Hospital, Shalimar Bagh.
Check out more blogs on various neurological problems and their home remedies down below:
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