Migraines are one of the most common diseases in the Indian youth in today’s modern world. The most sinister thing about migraines in India is that they generally go undetected and can be triggered by a lot of things that are present abundantly in our country. So in today’s blog, we will look at some of the practices that can trigger a migraine in your brain and how migraines can be detected before they evolve into something serious like other neural diseases.
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What Habits Can Cause a Migraine in You?
Many every day habits can trigger a migraine in your brain and diet is the biggest factor among them. Listed down below are non-nutritional habits that cause a migraine and different foods that can trigger a migraine will be discussed in another subsection.
Lack of Sleep- Sleeping is one of the most important processes that our body goes through. It is important for physical well being and mental well being as well. A lack of proper 8 hours of sleep is linked with many other physical and mental ailments which include migraines as well. So ensure that you have a good sleep that is adequate in both quality and quantity.
Smoking Cigarettes- In addition to containing cancer-causing agents in its smoke, cigarettes also have a lot of chemicals mixed in with their tobacco that can cause a plethora of diseases. Repeated usage of tobacco is linked to causing migraines which adds another reason to the list of not smoking cigarettes. If you have migraines regularly, it is advisable to quit smoking (if you do) immediately.
Alcohol- As mentioned in our previous posts as well, alcohol is a major cause of headaches. Red wine specifically can trigger migraines and headaches and alcohol consumption in a migraine patient has to be in controlled amounts.
Stress- Stress in the modern world is the cause of many, many problems. Stress-induced migraines can range from mild to severe in case of the trigger being stress. Take a short break from work if you feel overwhelmed and practice yoga to get a peaceful state of mind.
Role of the Diet in Migraines
Our diet is the major factor for all of our health problems, and it plays a role in migraines too. Research has shown that excess and lack of certain types of food from our diet is directly responsible for many cases of migraines.
Chocolate- Chocolate comes second only after alcohol for being the second biggest reason related to a person’s diet when it comes to triggering migraines. Chocolate has beta-phenylethylamine which is a chemical that is known for causing headaches. So if you have a migraine problem satisfy your sweet tooth through sugary fruits like banana or mangoes instead!
Frozen Food- Brain freeze is the commonplace expression for a headache that occurs when cold food is ingested quickly. These pains in a brain freeze stab through the brain and can convert into migraines swiftly. Avoid eating frozen foods to lessen the chances of getting a migraine attack.
High MSG Content Food- MSG is known for being an unhealthy chemical used commonly in fast foods but with its other ill effects; it can cause severe headaches as well. Don’t eat MSG-laden food if you have frequent headaches.
Caffeine- Caffeine is a psychoactive substance found commonly in coffee. Too much caffeine can cause a lot of headaches and complete, cold turkey withdrawal can trigger migraines as well. So it is advised to limit caffeine intake to a minimum safe amount.
How to Detect a Migraine?
A migraine in our hectic schedules can very easily go undetected despite a lot of warning signals. So if you want to detect a migraine in yourself, be on the lookout for the following:
You Have a Bad Sleep Pattern- Sleep can be disturbed by many things but if you suffer from a migraine, chances are your sleep is getting affected as well.
You Feel Weak in One Half of the Body- Migraines can cause one side of the brain and subsequently the body. Pain in only one half of the body can be a sign of a migraine.
You get a Headache Due to Flashing Lights- This can be an indication of migraine or Epilepsy and should not be taken lightly. If you get constant headaches due to your light sensitivity, please consult a neurosurgeon.
You Have Headaches on Only One Side of the Head- Pain in only one side of the head is a major indicator of migraines. It is characteristic of migraines to experience throbbing pain in one side of the head behind the eye and if you do experience that, consult your doctor immediately.
Your Eyes Feel Heavy and Droopy- Eye pain is also a symptom of migraines. Eye pain from migraines is commonly mistaken for an optical disease rather than a neurological one. So if you have other symptoms of migraines in addition to eye pain, consult your optician as well as your neurologist.
Dr. Shailesh Jain is the best doctor for migraine in Pitampura, you can consult at his clinic or fix appointment online
About Dr. Shailesh Jain
Dr. Shailesh Jain AIIMS (former) is the best neurologist in Pitampura. He is a gifted doctor who worked in AIIMS, Delhi, and was the top neurosurgeon in Pitampura and is now treating patients in the Arihant Neurospine clinic. He also is a principal consultant in Max Super Speciality Hospital, Shalimar Bagh.
Dr. Shailesh Jain resides in Pitampura and specializes in brain stroke, migraine, and headaches. To book an appointment with Dr. Shailesh Jain, click here!
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